The next step…the waiting game!


So tonight Jackson did the unthinkable he jumped out of the back of my SUV into the yard without my help, I was so upset at him but realized he’s just being a dog. The kind that as soon as he gets a sniff of something wants to go investigate it immediately, the nose of instant gratification!

Also, tongiht I got an email back from our oncologist Dr. S re: a drug called Zoledronate, which supposedly he had found out about at recent Vet conference. It’s a drug for humans that supposedly helps with osteoporosis to rebuild the bone back. For dogs it gets compounded and given by IV (at 4 mg a dose every 4 weeks) for about 15 min. to help rebuild the bone back, it doesn’t however do much for the cancer but at least it helps supposedly with the pain. I’m open to it and just about anything at this point so I’ve given Dr. S the go ahead to make the call to the pharmacy that does the compounding and move forward in a positive direction.


Today I got a phone call from Diamondback Drugs in Arizona for the authorization and payment to move forward with Zoledronic Acid, so I gave the go ahead.  Now comes the waiting game.

And wait we do for nearly 2 weeks we play the waiting game. Jackson continues to do well tolerating the pain meds and becoming increasingly mobile able to go for longer walks and coming to work with me daily.  However, sometimes he loses traction on the wood/linoleum floor and luckily I’m there to steady him.  His appetite remains great and I continue feeding him the immune vitamins and digestive enzyme that I got online to help with boosting his overall immune system and with taking the pain meds.

I still haven’t heard from NEVOG, the place I was supposed to get a 2nd opinion re: Jackson initial x-ray.  I had hoped that Dr. S would be able to make a referral and get a Dr. to Dr. 2nd opinion (something that my vet friend Nicole said they could do free of charge), but this has yet to happen so I’m beginning to feel a little slighted and not a priority anymore. I spoke with Jackson’s current Vet and told her what happened she stated she’ll get on it and try to find out why we’ve fallen through the cracks.

In the meantime Jackson has developed lumps on his chest, in the past year yet when aspirated it was just a lympmoma, a non cancerous fatty tumor. So on 12/10/15 we go to get a follow-up re: one of these lumps that’s grown to the size of a golf ball. Luckily after an aspiration it’s a fatty tumor nothing to be alarmed about. Thank PawGod!



5 thoughts on “The next step…the waiting game!”

  1. Wow I think being a dog is what keeps them and us on our toes!
    Glad ur vet is getting on things as its not great when your pushed back!
    My Leo kisses the floor on Lino I have just found an ace product called paw wax I think it’s called and since getting it no slipping and kissing the floor at all! Might help with him to? Will try and find u a link for it as I used to use it on my old greyhound for my laminated floor and worked a treat and helped her even with 4 legs she looked like Bambi on ice!
    I am sure u will get there with him. I am lucky as Leo has only 3 legs but at 6 weeks I can control him to! Give it 6 months however I will be in the same position as you! Trying to stop him being a dog! Lol

    1. Thanks so much for the feedback & suggestion I just purchased Paws rubber booties (they look like balloons) & it’s been helping tremendously especially with the new snowfall we got & the colder temps causing ice too they’ve been a God send. It’s hard letting them be themselves when your so concerned for their wellbeing but dogs they must be as they bring some kind of sanity to what feels like madness sometimes & they teach us that life’s to short to not play!

  2. Oh My DOG Jackson! Don’t ever ever do that again you nut! Really, that is too scary, and not good for your joints Mister I Can Do Anything 😉

    About Zoledronate: we have a post about it here, it’s been around for a while and we hope it works for you guys. Please keep us updated on that OK?

    Aside from the 2nd opinion you didn’t get, everything else sure sounds like it’s going well. Oh and if you make sure to keep Jackson on the areas in your home with traction, he’ll keep on doing great. Tripawds just never get a footing on wood or other slippery floors, it’s chancey for them.

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