Jackson’s First Swim


It’s been nearly a month since I had my first chemo treatment and I’ve been doing pawtastic, my new tripawd life is awesome I think I’m happier now than I have ever been.  I’m going for walks with Maw down the street, chewing my sticks, playing frisbee and going swimming! Yes a swimming, Maw was determined to get me back in the water were I loves to be as she knew this would bring me much joy.   So several days before my 2nd Chemo treatment Maw strapped a doggie life preserver on me (for extra buoyancy) and we (Steve, Jake and Jake’s friend RJ) made our way down to local town landing.  I was so excited to see the ocean and smell all the scents eager to get right into the water.  I began crying a happy whine so Maw would know that I was glad to be there and Steve threw the ball for me out into the blue gray sea.  Without hesitation I sprang into action galloping down the sand into the cold water and then I was free…swimming with my 3 three legs out into the open ocean.  They continued to throw the ball a couple more times as I frolicked on the beach and swam to my hearts content, this was pawesome!

However, for the next several days… much to my surprise, not unlike men over 70 I could hardly walk every muscle in my body ached and I limped about everywhere.  Maw was worried she had pushed me to much and gave me some Rimadyl, but in the end it was worth every paw of it and I would do it again in a heart beat.  I can’t wait till Maw takes me again hopefully sooner than later, but I know with winter coming I might have to wait till Spring!







2 thoughts on “Jackson’s First Swim”

  1. Wheeeee! Jackson you are amazing! Its GREAT to see you were able to get in the water before it got too cold. Maybe Maw can take you to a therapy pool where it’s warmer and easier for your joints? I think you would love that.

    1. Yes agreed Jerry I have to see if I can locate one around me in MA I think he would love the warm pool in the winter. Let me know if you know of any on Cape Cod and I’ll reach out to my Vet.

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