
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…that’s what it seems to be doing the last couple of days. Today is an actual BLIZZARD as they call it and Maw left me home as it was to stormy outside to get me in the car. I got scared several times because of the wind, luckily she left me in her bedroom so that made me feel a less anxious and a little more secure. Thankfully Maw has been putting my Pawz rubber booties on which are helping me a lot in the snow from slipping & sliding. She bought some new booties the other day but the first couple of steps they fell off in the snow, so needless to say Maw wasn’t happy. Steve’s been super nice carving out paths in the snow with the snowblower so that I can walk around outside. However, I tend to like to walk the path less traveled…I like to prowl in the woods smelling all the critters that have left their prints in the snow. Maw’s super careful when I’m out on my excursions always close behind watching over me making sure I don’t get stuck in the snow after doing my business and calling me to come when I try to drift to far. I’d rather keep wandering, but I know better to come back and head inside to get warm. These are the days…eating snow, trying to catch snow balls even though I’m not as agile as I use to be and smelling all the life that surrounds me, this is living for sure!