Tonight Maw and Steve head out to an event and I get to stay home alone, something I don’t enjoy:( When all of a sudden fireworks start going off in the neighborhood and I hate them they scare me so much because they are so loud, so I get up from my bed and try to hide next to the sofa and BAM down I go and I can’t get up because every time I do my right leg slips from underneath me on the hardwood floor and I can’t grip on the nearby rug. I shake in fear not sure what to do, so I just sit and wait till Maw comes home. When Maw does come home she immediately runs to my aid knowing that something bad has happened as I’m not on my bed and instead crouched over near the couch shaking in fear. She try’s to comfort me, but I’m all shaken up and not sure of myself anymore on the hardwood floors when they try to stand me up. Once the fireworks have ended and I calm down Maw and Steve use my “Hold-em Up Harness” to get me outside to go the bathroom. In fact my right front leg hurts more now than it did before and I’m not sure of where the pain is coming from, I can hardly put any weight on my leg.
The next several days I can’t move at all and I can’t put any weight on my right leg when I try walk. Thankfully Maw uses my harness to help me up and outside to go pee, it’s humbling to me with everything I’ve been through, as Maw has to hold my hind quarters up to go the bathroom. It’s rather depressing as I just lay on my bed in pain, but I can’t show Maw and Steve what I’m feeling inside. Steve let’s us stay at his house all week and Maw goes back and forth to work (which thankfully is close by) checking on me, taking me out and giving me my “shredded cheese” which I love, but I know it’s their way of hiding my pills in the cheese.

By Day 4 Maw is really sad & scared I’ve overheard Steve and her talking about maybe needing to take the “FINAL” step as this isn’t the “quality of life” I deserve. Tonight when Maw get’s out of work Steve, Jake, Maw and I head to my local vet Dr. K. who I love and she immediately gets on the floor and begins to talk to Maw and ask what’s going on. She pokes and prods my right leg and shoulder, it’s really ouchie and I try not to show my pain but I have no choice but to cry and then she reaches for the shoulder/scapula and I lurch behind me to let her know that REALLY HURTS! Maw is scared I can tell and leaves the room to talk with Dr. K. I’m anxious to get out of the room as I’m scared too, so I keep looking to Jake and Steve to see if they can spring me out. Then Dr. L the other vet comes in and it’s sooo good to see him too, he stays for a short while and then leaves giving his opinion. Maw and Dr. K come back in the room and I hear her say it’s not time, you’ll know when it’s time he’ll stop eating, etc. Then they finally open the door and we leave with I think the Dr. increasing my pain pills. I’m just happy we’re on our way home so I can sleep as I’m really tired from all the effort it was to keep things together in the office.

Jackson, you are just THE sweetest pup! That face of yours just melts my heart!
Yiu clearly are so well loved, and deservedly so, right?
A little bit of rest and some good pain meds ought to make a positive difference.
BTW, you write very sell! You have quite a gift for journaling! Looking forward to more!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Woooaaaah that IS scary! I’m so glad you guys got to the vets and they gave you the all-clear. It’s hard not to think that situations like this are the final stages, but honestly most times it’s a matter of alleviating the temporary acute pain.
Please don’t forget that we have the Tripawds Rehab Reimbursement fund, it will help you tremendously with whatever is hurting now, and also show your people how to help you get strong so you can avoid injury. See:
Hugs to all of you.