In the days that followed my 2nd diagnosis Maw is a mess crying all the time and I think she’s fearing the worst. I try to show her that I’m strong like she’s told me, but it’s hard because I’m in a lot of pain. I can hardly put any weight on my right paw, so it’s makes it almost impossible for me to go for a walk outside and to the bathroom. I’m scared I’m going to slip and fall on the floors again too. Steve is helping me by holding me up with my harness but it’s really uncomfortable. I hear Maw on the phone with my vet I think and she seems excited about something.
In the next couple of days Maw begins giving me lots of shredded cheese, I wonder what I’ve done to deserve such special treatment, but mums the word I’m not going to turn my nose up at handfuls of cheese and delicious smelling chew-able treats at all hours of the day and night. I kind of think it has something to do with what Maw was talking with the vet about, but like I said I’m not barking about it. Instead, I begin to feel better I slowly start putting weight on my right front leg and it’s not ouchy anymore I’m feeling more myself. Maw continues to put these smelly oils on me and all I want to do is lick them (I think they are essential oils that she’s just started using because I can smell them in the room too coming out of what looks like a lotus flower), Maw must be working her magic again!

A couple of days later I overhear Maw talking to the vet again thanking her for prescribing me Amantadine and a low dose of Gabapentin, along with Rovera, this is what she must mean when she says “the cocktail” is working. To me it feels like a miracle as I’m not limping anymore. I am happy as I’m going to work with Maw and taking our walks and all I want to do is play outside and run, but I know I can’t quite yet because my only back leg sometimes gives out on me when I get too excited. I hope I continue to get better, as I’m not scared anymore and I feel invincible.

Awww you sweetie Jackson, I’m just now catching up on your Momma’s posts and am so glad to hear you are feeling good. I’m going to go talk to your Momma in her other post now. Smooches to you. xoxo